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Writer's pictureKaren | Desert to Bloom

Unlocking Wellness: 5 Outdoor Activities to Reduce Stress and Improve Well-Being

Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Happy March!


The first day of Spring is just around the corner, so it's time to conquer our SAD (Season Affect Disorder) days and stress by getting outdoors and enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather!


Time in the great outdoors can provide a welcome escape from the pressures of daily life. We get to disconnect from stressors and reconnect with the present moment. Not only can we have some fun during our outdoor activities, but they are powerful remedies for stress and improve mental health and overall well-being.

Spring flowers and butterfly

Exposure to the scent of nature, fresh air, the rustle of leaves, and the warmth of sunlight can soothe our minds and restore our sense of calm. It decreases cortisol levels, improves mood, reduces anxiety, and enhances resilience. The sunlight also provides our body with Vitamin D, lowering chances of deficiency and helping our body to produce melatonin for a better night’s sleep; it can also help promote physical healing.  Some other terrific benefits of spending time outside are lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, and easing muscle tension.

So now that we know the benefits of the great outdoors, what are some activities we can engage in?  Not everyone has the ability or desire to run a mile or take a rigorous hike during outdoor time, so here are a few great suggestions and the benefits they provide.


Take a Walk:

Whether brisk or leisurely, a 90-minute walk can improve mood, energize our spirit, and help us release negative thoughts. The movement lowers cortisol, our stress hormone, and increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, releasing endorphins and serotonin, our feel-good hormones. We can't always commit to long 90-minute walks daily, but a 15—or 30-minute walk a few times each week can still help improve our well–being.

Find walking trails near you here: Guides

Child walking and reaching for flowers


Go for a Bike Ride:

Not only does cycling improve physical and cardio fitness, but it also reduces cortisol levels and anxiety. Cycling is also a great way to boost mental health and distract us from negative mental chatter, improving our mood and quality of sleep. Cycling has also been linked to better focus and improved cognitive functioning.

Find bike trails near you here: Guides

Spring bike ride


Yoga & Meditation:

Practicing yoga and meditation outdoors offers great benefits for stress relief. Calm, natural surroundings can help create an ideal environment for relaxation, enhancing the calming effects of these practices. Breathing in fresh air and feeling the warmth of sunlight can deepen our connection to the present moment, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Engaging in yoga poses while outdoors in nature encourages a sense of grounding and balance, helping one become attuned to the rhythms of the earth.

  • Meditation outdoors allows individuals to immerse themselves in the beauty of their surroundings, promoting a sense of gratitude and inner peace. Additionally, exposure to sunlight can boost mood and energy levels, while the gentle sounds of nature provide a soothing backdrop for quiet reflection. Combining yoga and meditation with the healing power of nature offers a holistic approach to stress relief, rejuvenating both body and mind.

Find online meditation and yoga classes here: (YA Classes)

Spring Yoga Outside


Read Outside:

Reading is a chance to give our minds a break from stressors by restoring concentration and attention to something other than negative thoughts or feelings. Reading outdoors adds the benefit of exposure to sunlight and nature's sights, sounds, and smells, lowering cortisol and improving mood and sense of calm.

Find books you love and challenge yourself:

woman reading outside


Tend to a Garden:

Gardening has been linked to improving moods and lowering anxiety and stress levels. Mindful gardening routines like watering and weeding add structure and soothing distractions. The satisfaction of gardening, creativity, and watching plants grow can help release endorphins and serotonin, promoting well-being. Gardening also allows for a connection to nature, which can decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety.  Gardening can also be a great source of movement and exercise, enabling you to stretch and strengthen your body.

Search for garden supplies here: Gardener's Supply Company.

hand touch wild flowers



Remember, the key to reducing stress and improving well-being is taking breaks, removing the negative, focusing on positive thoughts, decreasing stress hormones, and increasing our feel-good hormones. Incorporating one or more of these fun ideas into your routine, even several times a week can help lower stress levels. Remember, stress reduction and improving our well-being can be creative, fun, and relaxing!

Wishing you the best on your wellness journey!


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Are you looking for more yoga or meditation practices? Feel free to contact Desert to Bloom Wellness for more information; click here.

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